The Interfaith Community of Long Island
Rev. McBride is an interfaith minister ordained for the Catholic priesthood in 1982. He founded the Jewish-Chrisian Dialogue at Edgewood College in Madison, Wisconsin with interfaith pioneer, Sister Marie Stephen “Rabbi Stevie” Reges. In 1994, he received a scholarship to study the rabbinic mind at Spertus College of Judaica in Chicago, Illinois. Along with his brother, Tom, a psychologist, he developed a process of biblical and literary therapy called Primary Concern Therapy. They highlighted a national conference on bibliotherary with a workshop entitled, “Coordinating The Myths We Live By.” In 1996, on his way to a 5 to 10 year mission in Taiwan, he met Jewish Cantor, Irene Failenbogen. Their love story has been creatively told (words by Bill and music by Irene) in the musical, “Oy Father.” Both Bill and Irene were ordained interfaith ministers in 2001 by Rabbi Joseph H. Gelberman through instruction at All Faiths Seminary. He currently serves as Co-Director of Religious Education with Irene for our interfaith community.
See his articles written for Newsday